Yan Group @ NUS
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Yan Group @ NUS
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Yan Group @ NUS
Yan’s group warmly welcomes highly motivated students, post docs and other research personnel to join. Positions at undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels are all available. We are currently actively hiring PhD students. Candidates with relevant background to any of our ongoing projects are invited to apply. Exchanging students/scholars are also cordially invited to join. Please contact Prof. Ning Yan to apply a position or ask for more details: ning.yan@nus.edu.sg
Check out our Twitter account for regular updates.
- 13/Jan/2025 We warmly welcome our two new PhD students Trinh Mai Hoang Anh and Rao Jianyu!
- 07/Jan/2025 It was quite the pleasure to have Prof. Tao Zhang from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences join us for the ChBE-CHI Jiont seminar series! Prof. Zhang gave an inspirational talk on Single Atom Catalysis, followed by great discussions. Many thanks!
- 02/Dec/2024 Congratulations to Prof.Yan to be awarded as a Highly Cited Researcher 2024 by Clarivate!
- 27/Nov/2024 Congratulations to An Hua, Liu Rui, Chang Jinquan, and Wei Pingping successfully passed their Oral Defense Examinations for the PhD degree. Cheers for 4 new Doctors!
- 07/Nov/2024 We warmly welcome our new Visiting Scholars (Dr. Li Wenchao, Dr. Zhen YanE), research Fellow Dr. Wang Yuhao, and exhcange PhD student Han Yiwen. Hope everything goes well with everyone here!
- 09/Sep/2024 The first NUS CHI-ETH Zurich symposium was a great success!
- 10/Aug/2024 A warm welcome to our new PhD student Lu Xuanpu, MEng Student Ma Jinyin, three Msc students (Zhang Jiajin, Sun Pengrui, Xin Yuemin, Zhou Yuzhe), Fuor 3+1+1 students (Ma Jinyi, He Haoyang, Xuan Junyang, Huang Chuxi) Xin Yuemin
- New! 08/Aug/2024 Big congratulations to Prof. Max Hülsey on beginning his new faculty position at the Technical University of Munich!
- New! 25/Jul/2024 NUS Centre for Hydrogen Innovations officially establishes its physical presence with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art research facility which will advance hydrogen research, training and collaborations. Prof. Yan was appointed as the CHI Director!
- 01/Jul/2024 We warmly welcome many new members, including a Research Fellow (Dr. He Limo), an exchange PhD student (Wu Qiuhao), two exchange undergraduate students (Chloe Ng, Jonas Greinwald).
- 26/Mar/2024 A warm welcome to our new Research Fellow Dr. My Tran!
- 14/Jan/2024 A warm welcome to our two new PhD students Tan Jiyang and Fang Xiao!
- New! 02/Jan/2024 Prof. Yan was promoted to the position of full Professor, congratulations from all group members and alumni!
- New! 22/Dec/2023 When new year was approaching, our group held an annual celebration for two days. Dr. Lee Kyungho and Prof. Chen Xi, the alumni back to Singapore, as well as 5 new PhD graduates made a series of sharing on their PhD lives and work, and the juniors were inspired a lot from their experiences. Hope everyone enjoyed visiting, games and the fancy dinner!
- New! 13/Dec/2023 Li Haoyue, Zheng Ying, Wang Sikai, Wong Sie Shing, and Lim Chai Wei all successfully passed their Oral Defense Examinations for the PhD degree. Cheers for 5 new Doctors!
- New! 06/Dec/2023 Maxim Dickieson won Second Runner-up for China International College Students’ Innovation Competition 2023 (CICSIC 23) for "Waste-to-Value: Green and Efficient Method to Convert Shell Waste into High-value Chitin Product". A great congratulations for Maxim! Read more
- 02/Nov/2023 Welcome master students (Miyu Chida and Arisa Amari) from Tokyo Metropolitan University to visit our lab.
- 28/Sep/2023 The Tianjin University (TJU) - NUS Joint Institute in Fuzhou is coming together nicely, and the team in Fuzhou had a good time during the opening ceremony. Please subscribe to our Twitter to see more about our laboratory and various living facilities in Fuzhou, and share the happy moment with us.
- 16/Sep/2023 We warmly welcome many new members, including a Research Fellow (Dr. Yu Shijie), a PhD student (Yilian Dhirayuvati Chen), an exchange PhD student (Ratchayol Sornvoralop), one MEng student (Li Xiran), three MSc students (Yang Huiying, Zhou Yuxin and Zhang Yueyang), three undergraduate students (Clemen Goh Jia Gen, Chen Pinzhang and Wu Mingyi). Hope everything goes well with everyone here!
- 30/July/2023 Lim Chia Wei was appointed as an instructor of Educator-track Faculty Member in NUS ChBE. Congratulations to him!
- 13/July/2023 It was quite the pleasure to have Prof. Chunshan Song from The Chinese University of Hong Kong join us for our seminar series! Prof. Song gave an inspirational talk on CO2 capture and utilization for sustainable chemicals and fuels, followed by great discussions. Many thanks!
- 20/June/2023 Maxim Dickieson did a wonderful oral presentation of Pd/CNT work at AlChE Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference!
- 20/May/2023 Special thanks to all that joined the 4th Southeast Asia Catalysis Conference! The conference had many memorable moments including invited lectures, industry talks and oral/poster presentations! Prof. Yan Hao and Xiao Yiying gave impressive oral presentations on the conference. Maxim Dickieson's poster presentation won the Gold Award, while Wang Sikai and An Hua's posters won the bronze Award. Congratulations to them!
- 23/Feb/2023 Prof. Shinya Furukawa and his team visited NUS and a joint workshop was held. A series of exciting presentations on recent research works was given by members of both teams. Both Prof. Yan and Prof. Furukawa also shared about the origin and development of their collaboration. Special thanks to Wang Sikai and Xu Di for coordinating the event, as well as Maxim Dickieson, Keshia Saradima, Cheng Jiong and Dr. Zhang Quan for presenting their works!
- 14/Jan/2023 A warm welcome to our new PhD student Mu Nam Jung and our new MSc student Xie Hanyu.
- 21/Nov/2022 Prof. Yan, Wang Sikai and Xu Di were warmly welcomed by Prof. Shinya Furukawa and his team at Hokkaido University, Japan. Both teams had a fruitful academic exchange and our team members also enjoyed sightseeing in and around Sapporo.
- 3/Sep/2022 Wang Sikai will be visiting the Cardiff Catalysis Institute at Cardiff University, UK, for two weeks to conduct experiments. Safe and productive travel to Sikai!
- 5/Aug/2022 Lim Chia Wei embarked on a 4-month exchange at the University of Toronto, Canada, working with Prof. Ramin Farnood on the Photocatalytic Valorisation of Waste Biomass. Wishing him an enjoyable and productive experience!
- 1/Aug/2022 As the new Academic Year began at NUS, we welcomed many new members, including a Research Fellow (Dr. Zhang Quan), three PhD students (Chen Chen, Dong Yuning and Wang Tie), three MEng students (Ran Chongshihan, Li Yiyang and Zhang Yifan) and a MSc student (Fang Xiao). Refer to our Current Members page to get to know them!
- 29/July/2022 Li Haoyue, Wong Sie Shing and Wang Sikai presented their exciting research works at the TOCAT9 conference held in Fukuoka, Japan.
- 22/July/2022 Liu Rui, Chang Jinquan, An Hua, Xiao Yiying, and Wei Pingping have passed their oQE. Great congratulations!
- 19/May/2022 Exciting news! Prof. Yan and Lim Chia Wei have successfully applied for a Learning Innovation Fund - Technology (LIFT) teaching grant to support the development of the ReactorDesign App. It is a significant achievement as the first teaching grant in the lab's history!
- 4/May/2022 Great news! Our team member Lim Chia Wei received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the NUS Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering for his exceptional contribution to the development of pedagogical tools for the learning of the Reactor Design undergraduate module. Congratulations!
- 18/Mar/2022 Good news! Keshia Saradima Indriadi, Nguyen Thai Thien Phuc and Xu Di have passed their cQE. Congratulations to them!
- 2/December/2021 Gökalp Gözaydın successfully completed the Oral Defence Examination for his PhD degree. Congratulations!
- 25/October/2021 Our project on ammonia cracking to clean H2 is awarded as one of the twelve projects under the Singapore Low Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative. Yet another exciting project! Read more
- 28/September/2021 Our labs successfully passed the safety audit conducted by NUS OSHE. Thanks to all group members for their contributions!
- 28/August/2021 A safety quiz was conducted to raise awareness of the safety standards and requirements in our laboratories. Chia Wei, Xu Di, Keshia and Zicheng have emerged as winners of the quiz. Congratulations!
- 29/July/2021 A great welcome to Keshia Saradima, Nguyen Thai Thien Phuc, Xu Di and Junyu Mi, who are joining our group as PhD students! We also welcome Ma Jieran and Yuan Qixin, who are joining us as MEng students!
- 17/July/2021 Our collaborative work with Prof. Wang's team in Nanjing Tech and Prof. Xing's team in Zhejiang U, among others, has been published in Science. It reports a single Fe atom-doped zeolite exhibiting excellent CO2 sieving property. Prof. Zhou, a visiting scholar in our team, is the first author of the work, while PhD students Wong Sie Shing and An Hua were actively involved too. Congratulations to all!
- 3/June/2021 Max Hülsey was among a group of 28 early-career scientists to receive the prestigious Schmidt Science Fellowship 2021, being the first NUS researcher to receive the award and the second ever to come from an Asian university. A great congratulations to Max! Read more
- 20/May/2021 Our Dynamic Catalysis work on promoting ethylene hydrogenation by oscillating potentials was featured by NUS News article titled "New NUS technology completes vital class of industrial reactions five times faster". Excellent work!
- 11/April/2021 Max Hülsey successfully completed the Oral Defense Examination for his PhD degree. Congratulations!
- 5/April/2021 Prof. Yan was invited to speak about our latest Dynamic Catalysis works at ACS Spring 2021.
- 25/Mar/2021 Prof. Yan has been appointed as Dean’s Chair Associate Professor, with retrospective effect from 1 Jan 2021. Congratulations!
- 20/Feb/2021 All of our first batch of PhD students under the NUS-Tianjin University Joint Research Institute have bagged awards! Haoyue Li and Ying Zheng won the Best Presentation Awards at the first annual research workshop while Ying Zheng, Sikai Wang and Sie Shing Wong won the Best Academic Performance Awards. Congratulations!
- 18/Feb/2021 Our first two papers on Dynamic Catalysis have been accepted by Molecular Catalysis and JACS Au, respectively. Well done to our Dynamic Catalysis team!
- 11/Jan/2021 A warm welcome to Maxim Dickieson, our new PhD student of the NUS-Tianjin University Joint Research Institute. We also welcome Rui Liu, Pingping Wei and Jinquan Chang, who are co-supervised PhD students under the same programme. In addition, we also have Pham Thuy Trang joining as a Research Fellow and Tianyu Ren as an Exchange PhD student. Welcome to all!
- 1/December/2020 Our paper titled "Visible-light-driven amino acids production from biomass-based feedstocks over ultrathin CdS nanosheets" has been selected by Nature Communications as part of the Editors' Highlights showcasing recent research. Read now
- 19/November/2020 Prof. Yan has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher 2020 (Chemistry) by Clarivate, among 25 NUS researches this year. Read more
- 17/November/2020 Our lab's 10th Angew Chem Int Ed paper @ NUS, done by PhD student Max Hülsey, has just been accepted. Well done, Max!
- 3/November/2020 Things are getting more exciting now for Dynamic Catalysis: We have demonstrated the non-Faradaic promotion of ethylene hydrogenation under oscillating potentials with enhancements up to 553%. Read our preprint
- 29/October/2020 Our collaborative work with Prof. Zhou Kang on the conversion of biomass into medicines and supplements has been featured as a long article in The Straits Times. Read more
- 13/October/2020 We published our first paper on Dynamic Catalysis - coverage-dependent kinetics and rate optimisation, which was also our first electrochemistry paper and first ChemRxiv manuscript! Read more about our triple "first"
- 21/August/2020 Prof. Yan received the fifth annual Excellence in Review Award from Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. The award recognises reviewers who have made especially notable contributions to I&EC Research. Read more
- 10/August/2020 Welcome to Hua An and Yiying Xiao joining our group as PhD students. They are part of the second batch of PhD students of NUS-Tianjin University Joint Research Institute.
- 22/July/2020 Prof. Yan was interviewed by MONEY FM 89.3 for our research on waste shell utilization. Listen to the podcast
- 30/June/2020 Our Shell Biorefinery project on the conversion of seafood shells into chitin and chitosan was highlighted by Bloomberg. Congratulations to all our group members who have worked on this project! Read more
- 2/June/2020 We were excited to resume our lab activities after two months of "circuit breaker" measures. Our group members worked in shifts to ensure safe distancing at all time.
- 25/March/2020 Prof. Yan was invited to join the editorial board of a new journal “The Innovation” launched by Cell Press. The aspiration of the journal is “to see the unseen and to change the unchanged”.
- 25/March/2020 Mr. Shipeng Ding finished his exchange in UC Berkerley and had a safe travel back to Singapore. Congratulations! May we stay together, healthy and strong.
- 20/March/2020 Max Hülsey has been awarded the Young Scientists Travel Support Prize (worth 500 USD) for the coming 17th International Catalysis Congress in San Diego, California. Congratulations!!!
- 6/February/2020 Prof. Yan and 4 other colleagues from ChemEng NUS attended the NUS-Chula joint Chemical Engineering Symposium in Bangkok between 3 and 4 Feb 2020.
- 16/January/2020 Welcome to our new Exchange PhD students Surachet Hongkailers (Pond) and Chanasit Kaewngam from Chulalongkorn University.
- 13/January/2020 Prof. Fengshou Xiao from Zhejiang University visited us and gave a department seminar on catalyst design by tuning the surface wettability.
- 12/January/2020 We warmly welcome Dr. Kyungho Lee, who received BSc and PhD degrees from KAIST, Korea, as well as Dr. Shixiang Feng, who received BSc and Masters degrees from Wuhan University and PhD degree from Tokyo Metropolitan University, as Research Fellows. Dr. Feng will work in Tianjin University helping to set up our lab in Fuzhou!
- 9/November/2019 Warm welcome to Dr. Jiawei Zhong for joining our group as Research Fellow.
- 19/October/2019 Welcome to our new Exchange PhD student JING Yaxuan from East China University of Science and Technology.
- 28/August/2019 Welcome to our new Exchange PhD students ZHOU Shenghui from South China University of Technology and CHEN Jianjun from Sichuan University.
- 20/August/2019 Warm welcome to Dr. SEE Jie Yang for joining our group as Research Fellow.
- 09/August/2019 Exciting times for our group. Welcome to Haoyue Li, Ying Zheng, Sikai Wang, Sie Shing Wong and Chia Wei Lim joining our group as PhD students.
- 10/June/2019 Warm welcome to undergraduate exchange student Guillermo Mier y Teran from University of California, Berkeley.
- 29/May/2019 Prof. YAN Ning just received the highly prestigious NUS Young Researcher Award 2019 for his contributions to the conversion of biomass to value-added chemicals and the fields of nano and single-atom catalysis. Congratulations!
- 20/March/2019 Prof. YAN Ning has just been named recipient of the Engineering Young Researcher Award 2019. Congratulations!
- 06/March/2019 Welcome to our new Exchange PhD student Kaewbuddee Chatkamol from Khon Kaen University.
- 13/February/2019 Warm welcome to Prof. Qi Yu, a visiting scholar from Shaanxi University of Technology, Liwei Cao as an exchange PhD student from Cambridge University and Chenggong Jiang, an exchange student from Tianjin University.
- 25/January/2019 Our group developed a new pathway to convert corn stover to terephthalic acid. The work is published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition as a Hot Paper. Cheers!
- 10/January/2019 We are very happy to announce that we will be part of the catalysis team in the new Joint Institute between Tianjin University and NUS in Fuzhou.
- 6/December/2018 We warmly welcome Prof. Long Jinxing from South China University of Technology and Prof. Liu Yibin from China University of Petroleum as visiting scholars in our group.
- 22/November/2018 Elena Martin, a PhD candidate from the Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier joins our group for a short research stint. Welcome!
- 23/October/2018 Prof. YAN Ning accepts the invitation from Elsevier to become an editor for Molecular Catalysis. Together with other editors, he will strive to push this journal to a new level.
- 05/October/2018 We warmly welcome Dr. Long Zhouyang as a visiting scholar from Jiangsu Normal University.
- 13/September/2018 Prof. YAN Ning was promoted to the position of Associate Professor, congratulations from all group members.
- 13/September/2018 Our research on the chemical production of amino acids from biomass resources published in PNAS was featured by Straits Times, NUS News, phys.org, TechExplorist, Newswise and others recently.
- 04/September/2018 We welcome Song Xiaozhe from Beijing Forestry University and Qu Jiafu from Soochow University as new visiting PhD students.
- 01/August/2018 Warm welcome to Dr. Sun Qiming and Dr. Fu Xinpu for joining our group as research fellow.
- 11/June/2018 Dr. Shu Riyang joins our group as a visiting scholar from Guangdong University of Technology, welcome.
- 06/June/2018 We warmly welcome Grace Park and Maxim Dickieson from US who joined our group for summer internships.
- 8/May/2018 Zhang Bin was awarded the 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Congratulations.
- 30/April/2018 Prof. YAN Ning was featured by Asian Scientist as Asia's Rising Scientist. Thanks to all current and previous members' efforts.
- 16/April/2018 We welcome our new exchange master student from Technical University Munich Fatih Yakar.
- 22/Mar/2018 Prof. YAN Ning received the prestigious ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award in New Orleans, USA, during the 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. Credits should go to all current and past group members!
- 07/March/2018 We warmly welcome Dr. Zhang Zhenhua who just graduated from University of Science and Technology of China as a postdoctoral research fellow.
- 09/February/2018 We wish that the two exchange master students Supphathee Chaowamalee (Soup) and Supanut Phumpradit (Kiw) from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) have a good time in our group.
- 12/January/2018 To the beginning of the new year, we welcome Mireira Palma Cazorla, an exchange master student from the University of Malaga (Spain).
- 03/November/2017 Dr. Zhang Pingbo from Jiangnan University joins the group as visiting scholar, warm welcome.
- 30/August/2017 DAI Jinhang from Sichuan University joins the group as exchange PhD student, welcome Jinhang!
- 15/August/2017 We welcome Dr Vadim Ermolaev from Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, A.E. Arbuzov KSC RAS as visiting scholar.
- 02/August/2017 We welcome four new members to the group, Dr. Song Song from Zhengzhou University as research fellow, Mr. Gökalp Gözaydın from Izmir Institute of Technology as PhD student, Ms. Joanne Zimmer from University of Leipzig as undergraduate exchange student and Ms. Wang Dingyi from Tsinghua University as research engineer.
- 03/July/2017 We welcome Tian Peng from Tsinghua University as non-graduating non-exchange student.
- 24/May/2017 We welcome Zahra Hanifah from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as undergraduate exchange student.
- 23/May/2017 Dr Deng, Yunzhu and Zhang Bin win the poster awards in SACC 2017, congratulations!
- 09/May/2017 Prof. Yan has conferred the RSC Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Early Career Award. Congratulations! http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/ESEDEarlyCareerAward/
- 20/Feb/2017 We welcome Gerald Har in our group as research engineer.
- 01/Feb/2017 We welcome Jennifer Attard as PhD exchange intern student from the University of York, UK.
- 12/Jan/2017 We welcome Ozan Utan as exchange masters student from the University of Cologne, Germany.
- 04/Jan/2017 Prof. Yan joined the Early Career Board of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Cheers! http://pubs.acs.org/page/ascecg/editors.html
- 04/Jan/2017 Max Hülsey joined our group as a PhD student. Warmly welcome!
- 14/Dec/2016 Zhang Bin won the Best Poster Award at 9th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC9), recognized by Light Science & Applications.
- 10/Oct/2016 We warmly welcome two new members to join our group: BUI Hanh My as MSc research intern student from Technical University of Munich (Germany) and Zhang Zhang as exchange PhD student from Beijing Forestry University (China).
- 30/Sept/2016 Ms. Yunzhu Wang successfully defended her PhD Oral Qualifying Examination (OQE). Congratulations!
- 25/Sept/2016 Prof. Yan has been listed as Top 10 Reviewers for Catalysis Science & Technology. Congratulations! http://blogs.rsc.org/cy/2016/09/20/top-10-reviewers-for-catalysis-science-technology/
- 22/Sept/2016 Our group won the 3rd best prize in safety video contest organized by the department. Well done guys!
- 05/Sept/2016 Ding Shipeng from Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) joined the group as a PhD student. Yang Fu from Nanjing Tech University (China) joined as exchange PhD student. Ina Jonalik from Heinrich-Heine University (Germany) and Lombardo Loris Giovanni from EPFL (Switzerland) joined the group as undergraduate and masters exchange student. Dr. Yue Chuanjun from Changzhou Institute of Technology (China) joined the group as a visiting scientist. A warm welcome!
- 02/Jun/2016 Our collaborative project with CNRS, France has been selected to be highlighted in Le Petit Journal. http://www.lepetitjournal.com/singapour/economie/247495-le-programme-merlion-catalyseur-de-la-chimie-verte
- 24/May/2016 We warmly welcome Mr. Gabriel Patron from University of Toronto, Ms. Emma Wu from Rice University, and Mr. Dhushyanth Viswanath from University of Wisconsin-Madison to join our group for summer research program.
- 20/May/2016 Yan Group members attended Singapore Catalysis Society Annual Forum. Zhang Bin and Chen Xi won the Best Oral Presentation Award and the Best Poster Award, respectively. Congratulations!
- 21/Mar/2016 Dr. Deng Weiping from Xiamen University joined our group as a visiting scientist. Welcome!
- Feb/2016 Our work on shell refinery is highlighted by Office of Deputy President (Research & Technology) at NUS. Well done! http://www.nus.edu.sg/dpr/researchNUS/highlightsandNews.html
- 11/Jan/2016 We warmly welcome Dr. Song Hongbing from Qingdao University of Science & Technology (China), Dr. Zhou Yu from Nanjing Tech University (China), and Dr. Jung Ji Chul from Myongji University (South Korea) to join our group as visiting scientists for one year.
- 01/Dec/2015 Prof. Laura Torrente-Murciano from University of Cambridge visited our group and delivered a talk.
- 30/Nov/2015 Prof. Chanatip Samart from Thammasat University visited our group in November.
- 27/Nov/2015 Prof. Karen Wilson from Aston University visited our group and delivered a talk.
- 17/Nov/2015 Prof. James Clark from University of York visited our group and delivered a talk.
- 09/Nov/2015 We welcome Dr. Sudipta De from University of Delhi joining us as a research fellow, and Mr. Zhang Zailei from Chinese Academy of Sciences joining as a research engineer.
- 02/Nov/2015 We welcome Ms. Wu Liubi from East China Normal University to join our group as exchange Master student.
- 25/Oct/2015 Prof. Yan won NUS Young Investigator Award (YIA). Thank all the lab members for the efforts.
- 15/Oct/2015 Prof. Yan assumed his duty as Associate Editor for RSC Adv. from Oct-2015.
- 07/Oct/2015 We welcome Dr. Joana Romao from Netherland joining us as a visiting scholar, and Mr. Alberto Garzón Quiñones from Spain joining as exchange Master student.
- 01/Sep/2015 Dr. Gao Yongjun finished his post-doctoral work and joined Hebei University as an associate professor. Wish him a brilliant future there.
- 31/Aug/2015 Prof. Luming Peng from Nanjing University visited our group and delivered a talk in August.
- 01/Aug/2015 Prof. Yan did a lecture tour in UK and China between 10-24 July. He visited University of Bath, University of Manchester, University of Liverpool, Imperial College London in UK, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing University, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, CAS, in China.
- 20/Jul/2015 Dr. Gao Yongjun visited the University of Bath, UK for two weeks, to conduct a collaborative research.
- 03/Jul/2015 Chen Xi participated the prestigious Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Germany. 65 Nobel Prize Laureate and 650 young scholars participated the conference. Congratulations!
- 03/Jul/2015 Prof. Yuriy Roman from MIT, Prof. Tatsuya Tsukuda from the University of Tokyo, and Prof. Negishi Yuichi from Tokyo University of Science visited our group and delivered invited talks at the department.
- 30/Jun/2015 Prof. Edman Tsang from Oxford visited our group and delivered invited talk at the department in June.
- 31/May/2015 Prof. Chen Zhao from East China Normal University visited our group in May.
- 05/May/2015 Prof. Yan received the G2C2 Young Researcher Award from Global Green Chemistry Center Network. This is a highly competitive, international award for young scientists (below 35) working in green chemistry and engineering. Among 63 applicants worldwide, Dr. Yan was proud to be the only recipient in 2015: https://g2c2.greenchemistrynetwork.org/winner-of-the-g2c2-young-researcher-award-2015/ Congratulations!
- 01/May/2015 Our work on Au Nanocluster catalysis is featured as a Hot Article in the online collection as well as highlighted on the journal blog.
- 09-19/Feb/2015 Prof. Yan visited University of Oxford, University of York, University of Bath and University of Nottingham in a ten-day UK trip. He was also invited to give a lecture at the Chemical Engineering Department and Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies in Bath.
- 02/Feb/2015 Mr. Michael Joyes from University of Bath (UK) joined Yan group as an exchange PhD. student. Welcome!
- 28/Jan/2015 Dr. Lan Wang from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science joined Yan group as a visiting scholar. Welcome!
- 19-20/Jan/2015 Prof. Fabien Volle from University of Paris Nord visited Yan Group and delivered a talk.
- Dec/2014 Dr. Jun Fang finished his post-doctoral work at the group and will join Nanjing University of Technology (a State Key university) as Associate Professor in 2015. Warmest congratulations!!!
- 01-31/Dec/2014 Dr. Jiaguang Zhang visited and conducted collaborative work at the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination at CNRS in France.
- 10-20/Dec/2014 Prof. Yan launched a lecture tour in Germany and Taiwan. He visited and provided invited seminars at Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, RWTH Aachen University, University of Cologne, National Tsinghua University and National Taiwan University.
- 13/Dec/2014 Prof. Fangming Jin from Shanghai Jiao Tong University visited Yan Group and provided invited seminar in our department.
- 25-27/Nov/2014 Prof. Xindong Mu from Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy & Bioprocess Technology (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) visited Yan Group and provided invited seminar in our department.
- 20/Oct/2014 Mr. Mahmoud IBRAHIM from University Paul Sabatier- LCC joins Yan group as an exchange PhD student under the Merlion Project. Welcome!
- 23-24/Sep/2014 Prof. Yan won Green Chemistry Award from UNESCO (one of six all over the world). Congratulations! He attended the award ceremony organized during the PhosAgro-UNESCO-IUPAC Symposium on Green Chemistry in Moscow. Click to see more details on the website of UNESCO
- 26/Jul-1/Aug/2014 Prof. Yan attended the Gordon Research Seminar/Conference (Hong Kong, China) and delivered a talk.
- 25/Jul/2014 Srinidhi Narayanan from Anna University joins Yan group as a master candidate. Welcome!
- 04/Jul/2014 Our research featured by International Innovation. Well done! Click to review article
- 04/Jul/2014 ZHANG Jiaguang obtained his PhD degree from Peking University, China, after one and half year stay in the group. Congratulations!! He rejoins the group as a Research Fellow. Welcome!
- 30/Jun/2014 WANG Yunzhu, who did her FYP in the group, rejoined as a Research Engineer. She is co-supervised by A/P Saif Khan. Welcome!
- 06/Jun/2014 Prof. Yan visited the Tomishige group at Tohuku University, Japan and presented our recent progress on biomass conversion.
- 01-05/Jun/2014 Prof. Yan attended the TOCAT7 (Kyoto, Japan) and delivered an invited talk.
- 29-31/May/2014 Chen Xi and Prof. Yan (invited speaker) attended the International Symposium on Catalysis for Renewable Chemicals in Hokkaido, Japan.
- 01-31/Mar/2014 Prof. T. Tanaka at Kyoto University in Japan hosted Dr. Yan’s stay as a Visiting Assistant Professor for one month. Dr. Yan carried out collaborative works in his lab and also gave lectures at both Kyoto University and Tokyo Metropolitan University (invited by Prof. T. Shishido) during his visit.
- 10/Feb/2014 Prof. Yan was invited to join the editorial board of “Nanotechnology Reviews”. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ntrev?rskey=60E1VF&result=1&q=nanotechnology
- 05/Feb/2014 Mr. Michael Kessler from Universität zu Köln joins Yan group as an exchange PhD. student. Welcome!
- 17/Dec/2013 Dr. Fang Jun from University of Science and Technology of China joins Yan group as a research fellow. Welcome!
- 08-09/Nov/2013 Prof. Xie and Prof. Yan visited the University of California, Santa Cruz and delivered invited seminars there.
- 03-08/Nov/2013 Prof. Yan communicated two presentations, concerning the progress of lignin and chitin valorization in the group, during 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting in San Francisco.
- 24/Sep/2013 Ms Li Wenjing from Peking University joins Yan group as an exchange PhD student. Welcome!
- 02/Sep/2013 Prof. Kentaro Teramura from Kyoto University (Japan) visits Yan Group.
- 22/Aug/2013 Prof. Masazumi Tamura from Tohoku University (Japan) visits our lab.
- 21/Aug/2013 Prof. Yan gives an invited talk on the progress of NiAu catalyst for lignin conversion on 15th Asian Chemical Congress.
- 02/Aug/2013 Pierson Yann and Bobbink Félix Daniel from Swiss Institute of Technology (EPF-Lausanne, EPFL) join Yan Group as exchange master students. Welcome them!
- 22/Jul/2013 Prof. Tsunehiro Tanaka from Kyoto University (Japan) visits Yan Group, carrying out extensive discussions and providing valuable suggestions to each lab member.
- 13/Jul/2013 Hiroyuki Asakura from Nagoya University (Japan) visits Yan Group.
- 01/Jul/2013 Ms Hannelore Konnerth from University of Cologne joins Yan Group as an exchange master student. Welcome!
- 02/Jun/2013 We warmly welcome Dr. Gao Yongjun who joins the group as a research fellow.
- 26-30/May/2013 Dr. Yan gives an invited talk entitled “Towards Rational Design of Nanocatalysis in Ionic Liquids” in the Green Catalysis session during the 96th Canadian Chemistry Conference & Exhibition in Quebec City, Canada.
- 03/Apr/2013 Yan Group’s research is highlighted by the Office of the Deputy President at NUS: http://www.nus.edu.sg//dpr/energy/Experts/conversations-with.htm#convo01
- 27-29/Mar/2013 Dr. Yan is invited to give a talk on the “Bioenergy and Biorefinery Conference - Southeast Asia 2013”. It is a biennial conference with more than 100 participants.
- 01/Mar/2013 Mr. Zhang Bin joins Yan group for his Final Year Project (FYP), who is in his last year of undergraduate study in Chemistry Department, Peking University. Welcome!
- 15/Oct/2012 Mr. Zhang Jiaguang joins Yan group as the first exchange PhD student, who has spent three years as a PhD student in Chemistry Department, Peking University. Welcome!
- 12/Aug/2012 Yan’s group warmly welcomes Miss Chen Xi as the first PhD student, who did her undergraduate and master study at Wu Han University in China and started an exciting new journey at NUS in August 2012.
- 06/Jul/2012 The first lab member, Miss Wang Mengnan, is on board. She is currently a third year undergraduate student at the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, NUS. Welcome!
- 02/Jul/2012 Commencement of Yan’s Group
Yan Group @ NUS 颜宁课题组